Who Am I?

I'm loved and completely covered by Jesus. He is my everything and my Love. I believe that God has created each one of us to worship Him and glorify Him with our lives. Our messed up selves get in the way of that, and we find ourselves worshiping everything else but Him.
I'm so thankful for Jesus, who makes a way for us to be forgiven and who shed His blood for my righteousness, the Spirit who gives the strength and ability to live out worship, God who is my Father and my Rock.
It's impossible for me to do this life on my own.
But everything is possible with HIM.
In 2006, I moved away from my hometown of Iowa City, to explore the south in Austin, TX where I had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Austin Stone Community Church, leading worship and developing other worship leaders.  In July of 2014 God called me back to my small town roots to be closer to my family and to experience the joy that comes from being obedient to His leading.
He has given me a voice and a love for music and a love for anything artsy.
I love singing, making music and creating art that points to Jesus and can't wait for the day when I will sing non-stop for eternity and enjoy the Creator of beauty forever. I dream about the day when I will see Jesus and look at His scars, what will I do?!
Will I fall on my face?
Will I cry?
Will I hug Him?
Will I give Him a kiss?
Will I ask Him questions?
Will I be in awe?
Will I laugh?
He has a sweetness that I have tasted of...and am hungry for more.
I make mistakes and do stupid things sometimes, but what amazes me is that Jesus loves me still and covers me with grace that is so undeserved. He delights in me and calls me His child, His friend, His bride, His love.
I'm humbled that God has called me.
That He called me out of the darkness and into the light.
That He called me to lead his people in worship.
That He called me to be me, as I am.
That He called me to give Him glory in all things.
So much grace.
Be blessed new friends and old.
I pray that you will be encouraged through this blog.